About us

Snac A Protein is a food delivery service based in Essex, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, protein-rich Snacs to support your health and fitness goals. Our team is passionate about creating Fresh, Wholesome and Nutritious options for our customers.

Why Protein?

Protein is an important part of a healthy diet.

Protein helps maintain and increase muscle mass, especially when combined with strength training. 

Protein can help you with your weight loss journey as it makes you feel fuller for longer.

Protein is essential for the body to repair and create cells and is also important for growth and development.

Who needs Protein?

People used to believe that protein was just for bodybuilders in the gym, but we now know that protein is essential for everybody!

It is important to meet the daily recommended protein intake, most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (according to British Heart Foundation).

Studies suggest that as we get older our protein intake may need to increase, this is because protein in our diets helps to reduce the muscle loss associated with lower levels of activity combined with the effects of aging.

Those who take part in endurance sports or weight training benefit from increasing their protein intake as well.

How to calculate my protein intake?

How much we need depends on our age, weight, height, gender, general state of health and how physically active we are.

As a rule of thumb to build muscle, you should eat 1.2–2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day.

Active people: 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight 

Athletes: 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight